Friday, November 30, 2012

God and demon

Hindi is my mother language, so I write to express myself in Hindi. But English language is popular all over the world now days so I am trying to write in English too. I don’t care that I am writing good or bad. I don’t have sufficient knowledge of English too. I don’t worry what people would say after reading me. I am writing because I think I like it.
One should do whatever he likes but the people affected by his likes also should like, otherwise there will be no good result of the work. Everyone wants to live happy but everyone should try to make happy others too. Only demon can live gladly when his neighbours are in pain or trouble. Every religion supports this very idea that God (Khuda, Bhagwaan whatever you can say) has made this universe and man is the most beautiful creation of Him. So if a man does not works manly way he insults Him(Great Father) and this is very bad.
There are some people scattered in all over the world. They are murdering and terrorizing people by saying that they are working for God and his principle. Which type of his God is? Does He like murders of children and women and other innocent persons? Is He given those terrorists the right of justifying what is right and wrong?
No, He has not given them any right of this type, nor He allowed them to increase terror. In reality they are not religious persons. They are those who came on the earth inspired by demon. The demon not only inspired them but also make a permanent room in their hearts and leading them to astray. No one knows where they will stop. But one day will come when they will feel there guilt. Then it would be very late. It is said in Hindi, “Ab pachhtaye hot kya jab chidiya chug gayi khet.” In other worlds, “What is the result of weeping when birds have eaten up the fields?” Who believe in God they never hold weapons in their hands. They are blind and do not know the difference between God and demon.

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